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[Free Event] Fire evacuation Training !! Come and Join!

Yeonnam Global Village Center

Fire Evacuation Training


Yeonnam Global Village Center(global.seoul.go.kr/yeonnam) provides comprehensive administrative services for foreigners living in Seoul. We provide the solution to solve and communicate that foreigners are faced by living in Seoul as lifestyle-related complaints. We are welcoming all of you. Please visit us or contact by online and telephone anytime.

As year around program, we do free Korean Classes. Moreover, do Monthly cultural activities (cooking, Samulnori, Language exchange program, Free legal consultation, Volunteer activities)

This month, we do Fire Evacuation Training at Dongjak fire station. It doesn’t cost anything to join and will be very unique experience in Korea!! Please check the following details and apply it! We are looking forward to see you at Dongjak fire station soon!!

Ø  Date : 2pm-4pm, March 26 (Tue), 2013

Ø  Location : Dongjak Fire Station (located in Sindaebang dong)

Ø  Capacity Appx. 15-20 foreigners who stay in Seoul Metropolitan City

It will be accepted in order of application)

Ø  Program  

  13:50      Gathering and Opening

14:00-14:30  [Demonstration] How to prevent the fire at each segment of real life

14:30-15:00 Try on fire protection uniform, Receiving practical training in smoke

15:00-15:30  [Demonstration] How to escape from high-rise biding

1530-1550  Boarding Fir truck

1550-1600  Take a group shot and Closing


Ø  Fee  Free for all (doesn’t cost anything)

Ø  How to apply 

  In person

E-mail (including name, nationality cell phone no.); amberpmber@sba.seoul.kr

Telephone :  02) 6406-8151-3

Ø  Other details:

-      Please gather on time at 13:30, Sindaebang Station Exit # 4.

-      It takes about 10 minutes on foot

-      If you are not able to come to, Please let us know earlier.

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