
공지사항 성통만사의 다양한 소식을 알려드립니다.

Looking for 1:1 Volunteer Tutors


Looking for 1:1 tutoring teachers


Hello, this is the education manager of PSCORE (People for Successful Corean Reunification).

We are currently looking for 1 on 1 volunteer tutors for our education program.


The North Korean government provides children with eleven years of compulsory education: the average high school graduate is seventeen years old. Many North Koreans defect at this age. The North and South Korean educational systems are so different, however, that even if a North Korean student has graduated from high school, he or she tends to struggle academically in South Korea. A particularly difficult subject is English, since most North Koreans do not have as much exposure to English as South Koreans.


Many North Korean defector students residing in South Korea lack educational opportunities and find difficulty in adapting to South Korean education. We need your attention to this issue.

If you are interested, please apply for our program.


Registration period: At all times



Tutor: Anyone residing within Seoul and Kyungkido (Uijeongbu, Incheon, Yongin, Cheonan, etc.)


Registration method: Your application will be automatically registered once you sign up on the PSCORE education homepage as a Tutor.



[Join →  → Enter information → Register]

If you have signed up as <General>, please follow the steps below to apply for tutoring:

[Apply for tutoring Enter information → Register]


If you would like to change your information, such as the date and location,

please go to [My Page  Edit My Account]



◎ Activities:

1. 1 on 1 Tutoring Program to North Korean defector students (Twice a week & 2 hours each, may be adjusted)

2. Cultural activities, held once a month (friendship-building activity between students and instructors)- We organize excursions once a month for South Koreans, North Koean defectors and foreigners to meet and participate in cultural activities with one another.

3.  Wednesday English Class- Every wednesday, we hold and English class taught by volunteer teacher for North Korean students who want to learn English. If you are interested in the class, please click here-> <Wednesday English Class>


*For a quicker search, please enter the details such as possible location / address / desired type of student / subject / time.

*Please understand any possible delay if there are no students that match your location.


-- Please apply for our program if you are interested!! --


Tel. 02-6497-5035
[email protected]

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