
우수과외사례소개 성통만사 회원님들의 우수한 과외 사례를 소개합니다.

[교사/ Teacher] 송태훈/ Song, Taehoon



태훈씨는 성통만사에서 2015 9월부터 교사활동을 해왔습니다한국에서 소프트웨어 회사를 운영하는 태훈씨는 북한 학생들에게 소프트웨어 및 컴퓨터 관련 지식을 가르쳐주고자 성통만사에 지원했습니다지혜씨를 만나기 전 가르친 학생은 한 명이지만오랜 기간 가르쳤기에 태훈씨의 교사 경험은 적다고 할 수 없습니다.


 학생에게는 스마트폰 어플리케이션을 개발하는 법을 가르쳤습니다태훈씨의 도움으로 그 학생은 어플리케이션 스토어에 직접 개발한 앱을 올린 뒤 관련업체에 취업까지 하였습니다태훈씨는 학생이 자랑스럽고 앞으로  좋은 곳으로 취업을 시도하는 모습을 보고 싶다 합니다정식적인 사제관계는 끝났지만 아직도 종종 만나 공부를 도와주고 있습니다.


태훈씨는  학생과 매칭이 되는 과정이 길고 어려웠던 반면 지혜씨와는 비교적 쉽게 매칭이 되었고, 둘이 인연인 것 같다고 웃으며 덧붙였습니다.


태훈씨는 성통만사를 통해 학생들을 가르치며 참 많은 것을 얻어간다고 합니다어려운 이를 돕는 일은 그 자체로 의미있고 보람있으며 그 과정에서 인생의 의미에 대해 깨닫게 된다고 합니다학생들이 더욱 더 많이 배워 앞으로 더 성공적인 인생을 살아가게 되길 희망합니다.

Taehoon has been working as a volunteer at PSCORE since September 2015. He runs a software company in Korea, and wished to use his spare time in teaching North Korean students particularly interested in building their software and computer skills. Taehoon had previously taught one student through PSCORE for a long period of time, and does not have limited teaching experience. Taehoon taught him how to program applications for Android and Apple iPhones. And thanks to his guidance, the student was able to design an iPhone application and launch it on the App store. Two months later, the student has been able to get a job at a software company. Taehoon says he is so proud of his student and would like to see him continue to work hard to further advance his career. Additionally, Taehoon wants to help the student along the way. Though the official teaching session has ended, they meet up from time to time.

Taehoon said that it took quite a while before being matched with his first student, and he had to be persistent. As for Jihye, on the other hand, it worked out much quicker. He jokingly said he didn’t need to “beg for a student this time.”

Taehoon feels that he is getting much out of volunteering as a teacher with PSCORE.  He has stated that it truly is a fulfilling and meaningful time helping out someone in need, and that in this process he is able to build up a wider perspective in life. He hopes his students successfully go on to their next steps in life, being equipped with needed knowledge and skills.

 성통만사의 탈북 학생들이 수업할 수 있게 후원해 주세요: http://pscore.org/donate-ko/

 Donate for Jihye and North Korean defector students:  http://pscore.org/donate/

인터뷰 : 2017년 1월 4일 / Interview date: January 4th, 2017